In the fast paced world of today, you as a business have to realize that customers are very busy and are unable to take out the time and solidary place to make a phone call. This is why there is a dire need for a textual service to be offered by your company to it clients. This may include e-mails, live chats, and social media enquiries.
To connect to your customer means being able to associate, link and communicate with them. In the global world of customer service, it stands for building rapport or fostering a healthy relationship. This gives the business a slight personal touch along with making the client feel special.
iKozmik offers you the most appropriate, quick, and expedient replying and support services for emails queries, live chat messages and social media enquires along with email marketing services to guide customers at every touch point. You can choose our non-voice support services for most convenient and fast communication with better customer engagement rate. Non Voice Support services are developed to make your online visitors stay engaged for long and connect to message.
Studies in the subject have supported that gearing and identifying ones marketing focused towards a certain individual makes the customer feel special, building an emotional connection that turns that potential client into a lead. This will bring in more clients and also make this client a permanent client. Any form of communication makes the customer feel that you’ve put in a effort to give them your time via Non Voice Support.
One of the best form of revolution that has been a game-changer to the customer support in business answering service is the concept of live chat. A live chat is a form of support services to that is used to handle impromptu web-based enquires about services you are offering online. Everything visitors ask are to be answered right-away! This means that there is a dire need for the availability of the live chat team at all times to ensure that the queries of the customers are answered promptly without any delay.
iKozmik offers your company with the service of live chat coupled with the live chat team. This ensures that your customers are always happy from your service. There is no waiting for replies to email and the human interaction that they establish makes them feel secure about the service.
Since the last decade, social media has taken the world by a storm. There is a great rise of social media platform that is engaging millions of users from all over the world. With iKozmik , explore new horizons of customer loyalty with opportune customer support services via social media platforms. We will help you not only set up those platforms but provide with statistics and targeted idea to get your visibility to the audience that you aim to target for.
Remember, today the world is all about visibility. If your website has the visibility that it requires to make it a one that customers rely on, then social media is to play an immense part in that. Most business people do not realize the importance of having a string social media presence. Make sure that you do not lag in this sector as customer behaviors today is greatly influenced by the position of the business in the social media scene.
Having a strong social media presence has allowed many companies to flourish I the field without having much to their name. Targeting the right customer and show casing them the products that they need is a form of Business Intelligence that is taking the world over by storm so make sure you or your company does not lag behind in that.
It was found by an American Express Survey that an astounding 78% of consumers backed off on transaction or not carried out an intended purchase because of a poor service experience. That stat alone should be enough to be a huge wake-up call for all business owners. This was usually by an unresponsive email.
Email is still the quite preferred form of communication, reason being that it gives a more official and documented form to the exchange of conversation. Moreover, emails can be done anywhere, using the smartphone and this is why customers prefer it over other forms of communication.
Not having a responsive email team, makes the customer feel stranded. It gives them the psychological impression that the business is not well-established or that it does not have the available services that they require. To make sure that your clients feel welcomed via email, iKozmik offers you email support services. We will provide your company with a system that will ensure professional and timely email support services for technical and non-technical email enquiries to make your senders feel valued.
Another form of marketing that has recently seen emerging at a very fast pace is the email marketing campaigns. Email marketing refers to the act of sending a message that has a commercial meaning to it to a group of people that are targeted by the business. This email that is sent to a potential customer has intent of turning that customer into a lead.
Similarly, emails that are sent to pre-existing customers is done in order to showcase to them new offers or to just refresh their memory about the services they recently had.These branded marketing campaigns aim to engage new and existing customers with right email message at the right time.
iKozmik offers to provide your customers with a form of email marketing that will prove to be beneficial for your team, without making it a hassle of spamming emails. We believe as you cherish your customers, we cherish you! You customer happiness is our priority and we make sure to provide you and them, with only the best.